AnMed Laboratory Services


Stool for Occult Blood  (OCC BLD ST)

Synonyms:  Fecal Occult Blood; Hemoccult
Specimen:  Stool; 5 gram or 5 mL fresh stool in a clean leak proof container OR Hemoccult slide with stool already applied. Patient should not receive Vitamin C and should be on high-residue, red-meat-free diet for 72 hours prior to and during collection. Therapeutic iron, antacids, alcohol and aspirin should be avoided.
                        Volume:  5 gm, 5 mL or 1-3 Hemoccult slides
Minimum Volume:  1 gram, 1 mL OR 1 Hemoccult slide
Collection:  Transport fresh stool specimen to the laboratory within 2 hours of collection. Maintain specimen and or Hemoccult slide at room temperature.
Rejection Criteria:  Preserved stool; improper labeling.
Reference Range:  Negative
Methodology:  Guaiac oxidation
Test Use:  Detect occult blood in stool
Additional Information:  Patient should not receive Vitamin C and should be on high residue, red meat free diet for 72 hours prior to and during collection. Therapeutic iron, antacids, alcohol and aspirin should also be avoided.
Testing Includes: 
Testing Facility:  AnMed Laboratory