AnMed Laboratory Services


Bacterial Antigen Series - Urine  (BACT AG U)

Synonyms:  None listed
Specimen:  Urine; random 10 mL urine in a urine container.
                        Volume:  10 mL urine
Minimum Volume: 
Collection:  Transport urine to the laboratory as soon as possible. Refrigerate at 2-8°C.
Rejection Criteria:  Improper labeling.
Reference Range:  Negative
Methodology:  Latex agglutination
Test Use:  Detection of bacterial antigens for specific infectious organisms
Additional Information:  Not intended as a substitute for bacterial culture. Samples with low antigen levels may yield negative results.
Testing Includes:  Specimen sent to LabCorp. LabCorp test # 006890. Determination of presence of antigens to H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae, N. meningitiis, and group B Strep.
Testing Facility:  LabCorp