AnMed Laboratory Services


Slide Review  (SLIDE REV)

Synonyms:  Smear for review, Pathology Review, Slide for review, Hemogram and slide
Specimen:  Wright Stained Slide OR (1) Purple (EDTA) top vacutainer tube or (2) Purple microtainers. Clients may send slides & their own hemogram. Reviewed by Pathology Department.
                        Volume:  Smear and hemogram OR full primary tube
Minimum Volume:  1 smear or 2 purple microtainers
Collection:  If specimen is not received within 4 hours of collection, prepare 2 peripheral blood smears. Maintain at room temperature for 24 hours, 48 hours at 2-8°C.
Rejection Criteria:  Clotted; hemolysis; improper labeling.
Reference Range:  See CBC report
Methodology:  Beckman Coulter LH 755, LH 750, LH 500
Test Use:  Referred to Pathology by AHMC Lab or Client
Additional Information:  Reviewed by Pathology Clients may send slides & their own hemogram
Testing Includes:  Hemogram Differential and pathology review
Testing Facility:  AnMed Laboratory Services