AnMed Laboratory Services


Procainamide  (PROC)

Synonyms:  Pronestyl
Specimen:  Blood; (1) Red (no preservative) or Green (heparin) top vacutainer tube. Do not collect a SST (serum separator). Peak level- Oral treatment; 75 minutes after dose; Trough level- immediately before next dose. I.V. treatment- immediately after loading dose; 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours after starting I.V. maintenance.
                        Volume:  Full primary tube
Minimum Volume:  0.3 mL
Collection:  Transfer serum or plasma to a tightly capped plastic aliquot tube within 2 hours of collection for transport. Refrigerate at 2-8°C.
Rejection Criteria:  SST(serum separator tube); severe hemolysis; lipemia; icteric specimen; improper labeling.
Reference Range:  Therapeutic: procainamide: 4.0-10.0 μg/mL, procainamide + NAPA: 10.0-30.0 μg/mL
Methodology:  Immunoassay
Test Use:  Treatment of cardiac abnormalities.
Additional Information:  Peak blood levels are reached within 1 hour, Optimal plasma sampling time after oral dose is 1-2 hours. Optimal sampling time after IV administration of dose is 30 minutes.
Testing Includes:  Specimen sent to LabCorp. LabCorp test # 007252. Procainamide and N-acetyl procainamide (NAPA)
Testing Facility:  LabCorp