AnMed Laboratory Services


Potassium  (POTASSIUM)

Synonyms:  K
Specimen:  Blood; (1) SST (serum separator), Red (no preservative), or Green (lithium heparin) top vacutainer tube.
                        Volume:  Full primary tube
Minimum Volume:  100 microL plasma/serum
Collection:  If tube other than an SST is collected, transfer serum or plasma to a tightly capped plastic aliquot tube within 2 hours of collection for transport. Potassium levels may be grossly affected by improper centrifugation and storage. Refrigerate at 2-8 °C for 7 days.
Rejection Criteria:  Hemolysis; improper labeling.
Reference Range:  See report
Test Use:  Evaluate electrolyte balance; follow patients on diuretic therapy and with renal diseases; evaluate patients being treated for acidosis; prevent cardiac arrhythmias; evaluate alcoholism with dilurium tremens; evaluate and treat ketoacidosis in diabities m
Additional Information:  No Additional Information Listed
Testing Includes: 
Testing Facility:  AnMed Laboratory