AnMed Laboratory Services


Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase  (LAP)

Synonyms:  LAP
Specimen:  Smears made from heparinized specimen or fingerstick. Green (heparin) top vacutainer tube; slides must be made within 24 hours of collection.
                        Volume:  Full primary tube to make 6 blood smears
Minimum Volume: 
Collection:  Slides must be made within 24 hours of collection. Maintain slides at room temperature up to 7 days.
Rejection Criteria:  Heparin tube specimen more than 24 hours old; frozen slides; slides more than seven days old; slides made from any anticoagulant other than heparin; improper labeling.
Reference Range:  25-130
Methodology:  Enzyme Reaction.
Test Use:  Differentiation of chronic myelocytic leukemia from leukemoid reaction
Additional Information:  Low scores have been associated with CML, PNH, thrombocytopenic purpura and hereditary hypophosphatasia. In non-leukemic neutrophilia, the LAP rises as the WBC rises.
Testing Includes:  Specimen sent to LabCorp. LabCorp test # 001966. LAP score determined for 100 neutrophilic leukocytes.
Testing Facility:  LabCorp