AnMed Laboratory Services


Gram Stain performed when culture has been ordered  (Internal department use only)

Synonyms:  Smear for Pathogens
Specimen:  Wound, CSF, sputum, tissue, body fluid, miscellaneous submitted in a sterile leak proof container or (1) culture swab. State specific source on specimen and request form.
                        Volume:  See volume for specific culture type
Minimum Volume: 
Collection:  Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible. Maintain specimen at room temperature, do not refrigerate.
Rejection Criteria:  Improper labeling.
Reference Range:  Based on source,
Methodology:  Microscopy (Gram stain)
Test Use:  Determine the presence of microorganisms and evaluate other cells seen.
Additional Information:  Gram stain is performed on urine, stool, genital/urethral, and upper respiratory specimens (throat, NP) by request only. See Gram Stain Only
Testing Includes:  Orderable by lab only when gram stain is routinely included based on culture type/source
Testing Facility:  AnMed Laboratory