AnMed Laboratory Services


Gram Stain Only  (GRAM ONLY)

Synonyms:  Lab order only
Specimen:  Clinical specimen or material; (1) mL specimen in a sterile container, (1) air dried smear or (1) culture swab. State specific source of specimen on request form.
                        Volume:  1 mL specimen; 1 air dried smear or 1 culture swab.
Minimum Volume:  any material collected; 1 air dried swab.
Collection:  Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible. If submitting a slide, do not fix. Maintain at room temperature.
Rejection Criteria:  Fixed slide; improper labeling.
Reference Range:  Site dependent
Methodology:  Microscopy (Gram stain)
Test Use:  Determine the presence of micro-organisms and evaluate other types of cells seen
Additional Information:  Gram stains are scanned for the presence or absence of white blood cells, as well as micro-organisms. Gram stain is routinely performed with wound, respiratory and fluid specimens. This test should be ordered if stool WBC is desired. Cannot be ordered
Testing Includes: 
Testing Facility:  AnMed Laboratory