AnMed Laboratory Services


Amino Acid Quanitative - 24-Hour Urine  (Ref Test)

Synonyms:  Amino Acid Fractionation, 24 hour Urine
Specimen:  Urine; 24 urine collection in a 24 hour collection container. Instruct patient on proper 24 hour collection procedure and keep urine on ice during collection. Patients should not take antihistamines and oral contraceptives for 72 hours prior to specimen collection. Provide patient's age, sex, and brief clinical history.
                        Volume:  10 mL aliquot
Minimum Volume:  1 mL aliquot
Collection:  Urine; total collection or submit 10 mL aliquot for testing with documentation of 24 hour volume on specimen and request form. State patient's age and sex on request form. Freeze urine at -20°C to transport to reference laboratory.
Rejection Criteria:  Fecal contamination of urine; improper labeling.
Reference Range:  See report
Methodology:  High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation with postcolumn Ninhydrin quantitation
Test Use:  Evaluation of inborn errors of metabolism
Additional Information:  Patients should not take antihistamines and oral contraceptives for 72 hours prior to specimen collection. Specimen may be sent to Greenwood Genetics upon request.
Testing Includes: 
Testing Facility:  LabCorp