AnMed Laboratory Services


GC Smear  (GC S)

Synonyms:  Gonorrhoeae smear
Specimen:  Urethral discharge, eye discharge or endocervical; (1) culture swab or (1) slide. State specific source on specimen and request form. Not recommended for vaginal, pharyngeal or female anal specimens.
                        Volume:  1 swab or slide
Minimum Volume:  1 swab or slide
Collection:  Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible. Maintain specimen at room temperature; do not refrigerate.
Rejection Criteria:  Improper labeling.
Reference Range:  No gram negative diplococci seen
Methodology:  Microscopy
Test Use:  Determine the presumptive presence of Neisseria gonorrhoreae in direct smears
Additional Information:  Gram stain smear is 95-99% sensitive in symptomatic males with urethral discharges, and will detect 75% of gonococcal conjunctivitis. It is only 50% sensitive from female endocervix and is not recommended for vaginal, pharyngeal or female anal specimens.
Testing Includes:  Gram stain for presence of intracellular gram negative diplococci.
Testing Facility:  AnMed Laboratory